Strategic Choices Shaping Agricultural Performance and Food Security in Myanmar

Duncan Boughton
Glenn Denning
Khin Mar Cho
Larry C.Y. Wong
Naw Eh Mwee Aye Wai, Ngu Wah Win, Renate Kloeppinger-Todd, Shannon Wilson, Steven Haggblade, Tin Maung Than, Tun Min Sandar, Zaw Oo
September 28, 2014

Despite the many transformations taking place in Myanmar, its agricultural sector is lagging. A high proportion of rural households remain poor and food insecure as a result. This article examines the underlying causes of poor agricultural performance through a combination of literature and secondary data review combined with extensive field interviews with a broad range of key informants in the main agricultural zones of the country. We identify key structural changes that are needed to unleash smallholder-led agricultural transformation and broad-based rural economic growth.