In the 20th century, the urban-rural divide drove urbanization in much of the world by encouraging migration from rural to urban areas.
Africa was once expected to be the heartland of COVID-19 cases and deaths—a monumental disaster waiting to happen.
The past two decades saw the expansion of what we could call “global urban governance,” with urban issues sprawling across several multilateral sec
At the Africities Summit 2018, African city representatives discussed the role of local authorities in the UN Global Compacts for Migration and Ref
Predatory governments in the Middle East have survived despite widespread popular revolt and epic governance failures.
From collective flash-mobs such as “clap for our carers,” to solidarity campaigns launched by a variety of activist organization
In the decade following independence, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka all saw ethnic protests as a result of nationalist language
This paper examines the rise of conflicts over the extraction of natural resources in the developing world.
Hong Kong’s 2019–20 Water Movement has two distinctive features, expressed in Cantonese as “no main stage” (leaderless) and “no