Visual Essays Saumya Deva Prize Winning Art Arabic CalligraphyVISUAL ESSAYRepetition = ResistanceSeptember 13, 2019Walcott, USA 2003VISUAL ESSAYLandscapes of Oil: A Photo Essay by Edward BurtynskyDecember 31, 2015View as pdf: Images of StatelessnessVISUAL ESSAYImages of Statelessness: A Photo Essay of Myanmar's RohingyaMay 04, 2015Scenes of Forced MigrationVISUAL ESSAYScenes of Forced Migration: Syrian Refugees in JordanMarch 02, 2015A Ghaneen mother and child and a volunteer building a wooden structureVISUAL ESSAYThe Roles of the Mother and the Child in Rural GhanaMarch 04, 2014