The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Table of Contents
- Letter from the Dean - Merit Janow
- Letter from the Editors - JIA Editorial Board
- Foreword - Klaus Schwab
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Shaping a New Era - Thomas Philbeck and Nicholas Davis
- Correctly Valuing the Work of the Future - Guy Ryder
- Gig Work and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Conceptual and Regulatory Challenges - Alex de Ruyter, Martyn Brown and John Burgess
- The Changing Nature of Work - Simeon Djankov and Federica Saliola
- Creating a Better Future: Four Scenarios for how Digital Technologies could Change the World - Elizabeth Pollitzer
- A Gender Lens on the Future of Work - Jill Rubery
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Digital Fusion with the Internet of Things - Shuo-Yan Chou
- Building Trust in Artificial Intelligence - Francesca Rossi
- Preventing a Butlerian Jihad: Articulating a Global Vision for the Future of Artificial Intelligence - Schoni Song
- Brilliant Technologies and Brave Entrepreneurs: A New Narrative for African Manufacturing - Wim Naude
- The Future of Work in a Historically Volatile Economy: Case Study of Farm Machinery Factories in Argentina - Yovanna Pineda
- The Future of Work: Advancing Labor Market Resilience - Stefano Scarpetta
- Sweden: The Role of the State in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Ylva Johansson
- Global Politics and the Governance of Artificial Intelligence - Allan Dafoe
- Technology and Humanity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Review of Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab and Nicholas Davis - Betty Sue Flowers
- The Role of Universities in Setting the Knowledge Economy Agenda: A Review of Cities and the Knowledge Economy: Promise, Politics and Possibilities - Tim May and Beth Perry