Table of Contents
Editors' Foreword - JIA Editorial Board
- Water in the 21st Century: Defining the Elements of Global Crises and Potential Solutions - Upmanu Lall, Tanya Heikkila, Casey Brown and Tobias Siegfried
- Water Wars: Obscuring Opportunities - Karin R. Bencala and Geoffrey D. Dabelko
- Climate Change and Water Resources: The Challenges Ahead - Kathleen A. Miller
- Healing the Enlightenment Rift: Rationality, Spirituality and Shared Waters - Aaron T. Wolf
- The Forgotten Infrastructure: Safeguarding Freshwater Ecosystems - Sandra L. Postel
- The Potential and Promise of Water Pricing - Collins A. Ayoo and Theodore M. Horbulyk
- Water and Gender: The Unexpected Connection That Really Matters - Vivienne Bennett, Sonia Dávila-Poblete and María Nieves Rico
- From Universal Prescriptions to Living Rights: Local and Indigenous Water Rights Confront Public-Private Partnerships in the Andes - Rutgerd Boelens
- Challenges and Realities of Water Management of Megacities: The Case of Mexico City Metropolitan Area - Cecilia Tortajada
- Water Politics in South Asia: Technocratic Cooperation and Lasting Security in the Indus Basin and Beyond - Saleem H. Ali
- The Role of Epistemic Communities in Offering New Cooperation Frameworks in the Euphrates-Tigris Rivers System - Aysegul Kibaroglu
- Mission Not Yet Accomplished: Managing Water Resources in the Nile River Basin - Ashok Swain
- A Missed Chance for Peace: Israel and Syria's Negotiations over the Golan Heights - Marwa Daoudy
- Water, Sanitation and the Millennium Development Goals - Roberto Lenton, Kristen Lewis and Albert M. Wright
- Inteview with Maude Barlow
- Developing Global Institutions for Governing Water - Ruth Langridge
- Specter of Scarcity - Abigail Schade
- The Politics of Water - Chandra Kiran B. Krishnamurthy
- On Thin Ice: Water Rights and Resource Disputes in the Arctic Ocean - Vsevolod Gunitskiy