Technology in Space
Table of Contents
- Editor's Foreword - JIA Editorial Board
- War and Peace in Space - Hans Mark
- The Strategic Defense Initiative: Addressing Some Misconceptions - Richard N. Perle
- Star Wars: Shield or Threat? - Richard L. Garwin
- The Technical Feasibility of Ballistic Missile Defense - Robert Jastrow
- Assured Strategic Stupidity: The Quest for Ballistic Missile Defense - Richard Ned Lebow
- Reagan and the ASAT Issue - Paul B. Stares
- Will NATO Survive Ballistic Missile Defense? - Jonathan Dean
- Business in Orbit: The Commercial Use of Space - Isaac T. Gillam IV
- International Policy Issues in Satellite Communications - Wilson P. Dizard, Jr.
- INTELSAT: Facing the Challenge of Tomorrow - Richard R. Colino
- Space Technology and Resource Management - Peter S. Thacher
- Expectations in Space Law: A Peek into the Future - Stephen Gorove