Sub-Saharan Africa
Table of Contents
- Editor's Foreword - JIA Editorial Board
- Juridical Statehood in Sub-Saharan Africa - Robert Jackson
- Challenges to Africa's Boundaries in the New World Order - Jeffrey Herbst
- Political Transition and the Dilemma of Civil Society in Africa - Peter M. Lewis
- The Historicity of African Societies - Jean-François Bayart
- Sub-Saharan Africa: Development Performance and Prospects - Edward V. K. Jaycox
- The World Bank and the IMF in Sub-Saharan Africa: Undermining Development and Environmental Sustainability - Patricia Adams
- Challenging U.S. Foreign Policy toward Africa: Conversations with - Randall Robinson
- Africa's Post-Cold War Demilitarization: Domestic and Global Causes - Darryl C. Thomas and Ali A. Mazrui
- International Intervention in South Africa: The Difficult Transition to Development Assistance - Anthony W. Marx
- Conference Notes
- Seeking Regional Economic Cooperation in Africa - Aggrey Awori
- African Initiatives for Development: The Practice of Regional Economic Cooperation in Southern Africa - Carol B. Thompson
- Book Review
- On the Tides of the Cold War - Michael Clough and Michael Schuman
- Governance, State and Society - George Bond
- Student Book Reviews
- South Africa: The Impact of Sanctions - Bronwen Manby