Shadow Economies
Table of Contents
- Editors' Foreword - JIA Editorial Board
- The Shadow Economy - Graham Farrell, John Roman and Matthew H. Fleming
- The Growth of the Shadow Economy in the OECD: Some Preliminary Explanations - Friedrich Schneider
- Clandestine Economies, Violence and States in Africa - William Reno
- Expendable People: Slavery in the Age of Globalization - Kevin Bales
- Underground On American Soil: Undocumented Workers and US Immigration Policy - Francisco L. Rivera-Batiz
- Women's Burden: Counter-geographies of Globalization and the Feminization of Survival - Saskia Sassen
- Informal Economies, Information and the Environment - Matthew E. Kahn and Alexander S. P. Pfaff
- A New Economics of Child Labor: Searching for Answers Behind the Headlines - Sarah L. Bachman
- Parasites and Predators: Guerrillas and the Insurrection Economy of Colombia - Alfredo Rangel Suárez
- Corruption in Indonesia: A Curable Cancer? - Dwight Y. King
- The "Natasha" Trade: The Transnational Shadow Market of Trafficking in Women - Donna M. Hughes
- Perverse Integration: Drug Trafficking and Youth in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro - Alba Zaluar
- Emerging from Apartheid's Shadow: South Africa's Informal Economy - Christian M. Rogerson
- Marginalizing the Masses - Interview with Noam Chomsky
- Profit vs. Peace: The Clandestine Diamond Trade in Angola - Jake H. Sherman