Refugees and International Population Flows
Table of Contents
- Editors' Foreword - JIA Editorial Board
- Financing the Green Transition: Attracting Capital Through Financial Innovation - John MacWilliams, Sarah La Monaca and James Kobus
- Financing Sustainable Infrastructure at Scale - Christian Déséglise and Delfina Lopez Frejido
- Ending Pandemics: U.S. Foreign Policy to Mitigate Today’s Major Killers, Tomorrow’s Outbreaks, and the Health Impacts of Climate Change - Mathew M. Kavanagh, Harsha Thirumurthy, Rebecca Katz, Kristie L. Ebi, Chris Beyrer, Jamila Headley, Charles B. Holmes, Chris Collins, & Lawrence O. Gostin
- Climate-Induced Migration and Free-Movement Agreements - Ama Francis
- Climate Change and Cognition: Towards a Pedagogy - Joshua L. DeVincenzo
- Cultural Heritage in the Face of Climate Change - Dr. Rohit Jigyasu
- Resilient Cultural Heritage for a Future of Climate Change - Bárbara Minguez Garcia
- Commentary on Current Refugee Issues - Aristide Zolberg
- The International Refugee Regime: Stretched to the Limit? - Gil Loescher
- Displacement and Human Rights: Current Dilemmas in Refugee Protection - Arthur C. Helton
- Responses of Industrial Countries to Asylum-Seekers, Refugees and Migrants - Charles B. Keely and Sharon Stanton Russell
- The Evolution of UNHCR - Sadako Ogata
- Durable Solutions in a New Political Era - Dennis Gallagher
- The Relief-Development Continuum: Some Notes on Rethinking Assistance for Civilian Victims of Conflict - Peter Sollis
- Environmental Degradation and Population Flows - Astri Suhrke
- Civil War in Sudan: The Paradox of Human Rights and National Sovereignty - Judith Mayotte
- Malawian Refugee Policy, International Politics and the One-Party Regime - Agnès Callamard
- Conference Notes
- Stirring the Pot: Immigrant and Refugee Challenges to the United States and the World - Paul Burkhead
- Promoting Economic Self-Reliance: A Case Study of Afghan Refugee Women in Pakistan - Christina M. Schultz