Power of the Media in the Global System
Table of Contents
- Editors' Foreword - JIA Editorial Board
- The Mass Media and Democracy Between the Modern and the Postmodern - James W. Carey
- The Media's Role in U.S. Foreign Policy - Edward S. Herman
- Transnational Media: Creating Consumers Worldwide - Herbert I. Schiller
- Toward a NWICO for the Twenty-First Century? - Hamid Mowlana
- Sending Cross-Border Static: On the Fate of Radio Free Europe and the Influence of International Broadcasting - Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr.
- Conference Notes
- Democratization and Forces in the African Media - Tunji Lardner
- The Press and Power in the Russian Federation - Linda Jensen
- Terrorism and Censorship: The Media in Chains - Terry Anderson
- Public Relations and International Affairs: Effects, Ethics and Responsibility - James E. Grunig
- Eclipse of Reason: The Media in the Muslim World - Abdelwahab El-Affendi
- The Market Versus the State: The Chinese Press Since Tiananmen - Zhang Xiaogang
- Living Dangerously: Issues of Peruvian Press Freedom - Gustavo Gorriti
- The Cold War Comes to Africa: Cordier and the 1960 Congo Crisis - Carole J. L. Collins