The Politics of the Sea
Table of Contents
- Editors' Foreword - JIA Editorial Board
- Mineral Resources of Stateless Space: Lessons from the Deep Seabed - Caitlyn L. Antrim
- Offshore Oil and Gas Resources: Economics, Politics and the Rule of Law in the Nigeria-São Tomé e Príncipe Joint Development Zone - Hurst Groves
- Enhancing Maritime Security in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore - J. Ashley Roach
- Seeking Effectiveness for the Crackdown of Piracy at Sea - Zou Keyuan
- Understanding Maritime Jurisdictional Disputes: The East China Sea and Beyond - John Donaldson and Alison Williams
- Sea Trade and Security: An Assessment of the Post-9/11 Reaction - John R. Harrald
- Contributing to Ocean Security: Global Environmental Facility Support for Integrated Management of Land-Sea Interactions - Alfred M. Duda
- Titanic States? Impacts and Responses to Climate Change in the Pacific Islands - Jon Barnett
- Are High Seas and International Marine Fisheries the Ultimate Sustainable Management Challenge? - Meryl J. Williams
- The Senate Should Give Immediate Advice and Consent to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Why the Critics Are Wrong - John Norton Moore and William L. Schachte, Jr.
- Don't Resurrect the Law of the Sea Treaty - Doug Bandow
- Spaces in Between: Four Cases of Politics Beyond the Bounds
- An Interview with Gudmundur Eiriksson
- Managing Marine Misbehavior: Good Science, Good Policy, Bad Human - Ross B. MacDonald
- Maritime Power in a Flat World - Francesco Mancini
- In Dire Straits: Why Big Oil Needs Transnational Regulation - John G. Dale
- Taming the Tides: The Struggle to Police the Seas - Alisa Newman Hood
- Between Science and Ocean Policy: Bridging the Gap - Daniel Doktori
- Who is Responsible for Marine Debris? The International Politics of Cleaning our Oceans - Justin P. Leous and Neil B. Parry