Japan's New World Role
Table of Contents
- Editor's Foreword - JIA Editorial Board
- Foreign Policy and Constitutional Views - Yasuhiro Nakasone
- East Asia and Global Security: Implications for Japan - Zbigniew Brzezinski
- Japan and the Pacific Basin - Saburo Okita
- Toward a Bilateral Partnership: Improving Economic Relations - Robert S. Ingersoll
- Japan's Changing Role in the United Nations - Sadako Ogata
- The U.S.-Japan Connection in the Changing World Marketplace: A Trader's Perspective - Toshihiro Tomabechi
- Evolving Sino-Japanese Relations - Shinkichi Eto
- Industrial Structure and Japanese Trade Friction: U.S. Policy Responses - William V. Rapp
- The Soviet Proposal on Confidence-building Measures and the Japanese Response - Hiroshi Kimura
- The Politics of Trade Liberalization in Japan - Timothy J. Curran
- Japan and the U.S. Congress: Problems and Prospects - Susan C. Schwab
- Business and Japan's New World Role: As Seen Through Personal Experience - Akio Morita
- The European Community and Japan: Beyond the Economic Dimension - Reinhard Drifte
- Sharing the Burden on the Far Side of the Alliance: Japanese Security in the 1980s - R. B. Byers and Stanley C. M. Ing
- Book Reviews
- Eleanor M. Hadley
- Tsuyoshi Hasegawa
- Japan's Search for Food Security - Tim Sears