Inside the Authoritarian State
Table of Contents
- Editors' Foreword - JIA Editorial Board
- State Institutions and the Survival of Dictatorships - Natasha M. Ezrow and Erica Frantz
- State Power and Staying Power: Infrastructural Mechanisms and Authoritarian Durability - Dan Slater and Sofia Fenner
- Perpetuating Communist Party Rule in China - Teresa Wright
- Zimbabwe's Militarized, Electoral Authoritarianism - Eldred V. Masunungure
- Sovereign Wealth Funds in Nondemocratic Countries: Financing Entrenchment or Change? - Sven Behrendt
- Myanmar's Fifty-Year Authoritarian Trap - Sean Turnell
- More State than Nation: Lukashenko's Belarus - Oleg Manaev, Natalie Manayeva and Dzmitry Yuran
- North Korea's State-Loyalty Advantage - B. R. Myers
- Iran's Regime of Religion - Mehdi Khalaji
- Survival, Adaptation and Uncertainty: The Case of Cuba - Eusebio Mujal-León
- New Media Entrepreneurs in China: Allies of the Party-State or Civil Society? - Johan Lagerkvist
- The Road Out of Tahrir - Mohamed EIBaradei
- The Illusion of Stability in China - Wei Jingsheng
- After 1989: Redefining "Democracy" - Ivan Krastev
- Dictators' Race to the Bottom - Alastair Smith
- Islam and Technology: Evolution and Revolution - Aarti Ramachandran
- Mock Democracies: Authoritarian Cover-ups - Mario Bours Laborin
- Interventions against a Dictator - Utz J. Pape
- The Art of Censorship in Vietnam - Samantha Libby
- North and South Korean Flags and Emblems
- Vietnamese Art