Financing Development
Table of Contents
- Editors' Foreword - JIA Editorial Board
- The MIillennium Development Goals - An Interview with Jeffrey D. Sachs
- The Ecology of Global Economic Power: Changing Investment Practices to Promote Environmental Sustainability - Saskia Sassen
- Paying for Prosperity: How and Why to Invest in Agricultural Research and Development in Africa - William A. Masters
- Building Inclusive Financial Sectors: The Road to Growth and Poverty Reduction - Kathryn Imboden
- Meeting the MDGS in Urban Areas: The Forgotten Role of Local Organizations - David Satterthwaite
- Aid, Debt Relief and New Sources of Finance for Meeting the Millennium Development Goals - Tony Addison, George Mavrotas and Mark McGillivray
- The Composition of Foreign Aid: Consequences for Economic Growth and Welfare - Stephen J. Turnovsky
- Investing in Decvelopment: The Millennium Dcvelopment Goals, Aid and Sustainable Capital Accumulation - Rathin Roy and Antoine Heuty
- The Poverty of Economic Policy: Is Debt Sustainability Really Sustainable? - Olivier Vallée and Shahin Vallée
- Energy and the MDGS: The Impact of Rural Services on Development in Mali - Phi-Hong Ha and Jem Porcaro
- Growth, Inequality and Poverty: Some Hard Questions - Ravi Kanbur
- Scoring the Millennium Goals: Economic Growth Versus the Washington Consensus - Akbar Noman
- Bridging the Gender Gap to Promote Economic and Social Development - Stephan Klasen
- Education and the MDGS: Realizing the Millennium Compact - Nancy Birdsall and Milan Vaishnav
- An Interview with Fernando Henrique Cardoso
- Financing the Millennium Development Goals: The Millennium Report - Matthew Wai-Poi
- Financing Development from the Outside In - Diego Gomez-Pickering
- The True Cost of AIDS - Daniel J. Gerstle
- Why Everyone Hates Globalization - Vsevolod Aves
- Globalization and Justice For All: The Duty of the United States? - Anastasia Xenias
- Assessing the Impact of HIV/AIDS on Economic Growth and Rural Agriculture in Africa - Joel Negin