Table of Contents
- Editor's Forward - JIA Editorial Board
- Recollections of a Marshall Planner - Lincoln Gordon
- Strategic Defense and the German-American Security Connection - Wolfram Hanrieder
- Western Europe and the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative - David Yost
- The Third West German Republic: Continuity in Change - Peter Katzenstein
- Western Europe and the Impossible War - Jean-Baptiste Duroselle
- The Swedish Model and Western Europe 1945-1988 - Kurt Samuelsson
- Europe as a Global Power: Implications of Making and Marketing Arms in France - Edward Kolodziej
- The Marshall Plan in Retrospect: A Review of Recent Scholarship - William Diebold, Jr.
- The German Question Revisited or the Elusiveness of Power - Anne-Marie Le Gloannec
- Eastern Europe: How to Change the System Without Changing It - Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone
- Student Review