The Arms Trade
Table of Contents
- Editor's Foreword - JIA Editorial Board
- Global Arms Transfer Patterns in the 1980s: The State of the Trade - Michael T. Klare
- U.S. Arms Sales and the Middle East - Senator Richard G. Lugar
- Problems in Security Assistance - Senator Claiborne Pell
- U.S. Security Assistance to the Third World: Time for a Reappraisal - Noel Koch
- Soviet Arms Transfers to the Third World: Characteristics and Consequences - Rajan Menon
- The Arms Trade in Recent Wars: The Role of the Superpowers - Stephanie G. Neuman
- The Brazilian Arms Industry - Clóvis Brigagão
- Middle-Range Arms Suppliers: The Israeli Case - Aaron S. Klieman
- New Strategies of Mid-Sized Weapons Exporters: The Federal Republic of Germany a Italy - Ulrich Albrecht
- Foreign-Supplied Combat Aircraft: Will They Drop the Third World Bomb? - Leonard S. Spector
- The Epistemology of Neclear Proliferation - George H. Quester
- Arms and Aggression in the Horn of Africa - Paul Watson